This is a recreation of the Oval Office as it appears after its redecorating on August 31, 2010. The office consists of over 40 different models using more than a hundred texture maps. Many of the models in this scene were created using a base-to-high, high-to-low workflow using Autodesk Mudbox for sculpting and Autodesk Maya for retopology as needed. Other skills, including rigging, skinning, and MEL scripting, were utilized for this project in order to easily position certain models or to quickly optimize my workflow. My goal with this project was to faithfully recreate a easily-recognizable location while studying various 3D modeling and texturing techniques.
My rendition of the Oval Office was incorporated in the works "Too Soon?" and "Trump in VR 'Wide Awake'" (which was published to HTC Viveport in 2017) by studio MacInnes Scott.